ROA Hiking is an Italian shoe brand, founded in 2015. With a focus on utilizing the latest technical innovations in the world of hiking and outdoor gear, ROA has an ethos of functionality while maintaining aesthetics. Explore premium hiking shoes, boots, and accessories.
  • ROA Mary Jane - Off White / Black
    ROA Mary Jane - Off White / Black
    ROA Mary Jane
    $780.00 CAD $390.00 CAD
  • ROA Rozes Sandal - Aloe
    ROA Rozes Sandal - Aloe
    ROA Rozes Sandal
    $620.00 CAD $310.00 CAD
  • ROA Khatarina - Sand / Gum
    ROA Khatarina - Sand / Gum
    ROA Khatarina
    $620.00 CAD $310.00 CAD